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Isle of Mull Wildlife Maps

Wildlife Maps of North Mull

Tobermory Bay & Aros Park Location Map

Tobermory Bay & Aros Park

Parking at the Forestry maintained Aros Park, a number of well maintained tracks explore the deciduous woodlands and many dramatic waterfalls that surround the pretty freshwater Loch a Ghurrabain. This is a sheltered area, with lush vegetation, open grassy picnic areas, and sheltered BBQ benches provided for use. The coastal track between here and Tobermory is excellent and well worth some exploration.

Species: Otters, Dolphins and Sea Birds, Lichens, Woodland Birds, Common Crossbill, Funghi
Habitat: Harbour, Rocky Shore, Woodland, Mature Trees, Freshwater Loch, Coast

Tobermory Bay Detailed Map
Mishnish Lochs Location Map

Mishnish Lochs

On the pass between Tobermory and Dervaig, the road skirts three freshwater lochs.

Species: Little Grebe, Hen Harrier, Raven
Habitat: Freshwater Loch, Moorland

Mishnish Lochs Detailed Map
Dervaig Location Map


The picturesque village of Dervaig sits beside a sheltered sea loch where the river from Glen Bellart forms reed beds in the upper reaches of the Loch.

Species: Waders, Hen Harrier, Otter, Ducks
Habitat: Sea Loch, Rocky Shore, River, Reedbed

Dervaig Detailed Map
Calgary Bay Location Map

Calgary Bay

Pretty Calgary Bay with its famous beach has some fine machair habitat and deciduous woodland.

Species: Otters, Eagles, Wildflowers, Sand Martin
Habitat: Machair, Beach, Marine, Woodland, Moorland

Calgary Bay Detailed Map
Kilninian Location Map


A less travelled west coast of the island has some lovely spots such as Kilninian.

Species: Mature Trees, Woodland Birds, Lichens, Mosses
Habitat: Ancient Woodland

Kilninian Detailed Map

Wildlife Maps of Central Mull

Salen Bay Location Map

Salen Bay

Salen Bay is located midway up the Sound of Mull on the east coat of the island - the many rocky outcrops along the coast by the ruined boats are a haven for the seals and otters.

Species: Seals, Otters, Waders, Ducks
Habitat: Coast, Estuary, Woodland

Salen Bay Detailed Map
Ulva Location Map


The island of Ulva is reached via a five minute ferry crossing from Ulva Ferry on Mull's east coast.

Species: Eagles, Wild Goats, Short Eared Owls, Otters
Habitat: Wide range of marine and terrestrial habitats

Ulva Detailed Map
Garmony Location Map


The pebble banks formed by the burn which flows into the sea at Garmony are worthy of exploration and there is a handy parking place and coastal path.

Species: Waders, Ducks, Dippers, Otters
Habitat: Coast, Burn, Marine

Garmony Detailed Map
Knock Location Map


Located at the head of Loch na Keal, Knock is a wooded, mountainous part of the island where the freshwater river Ba flows into the sea.

Species: Fallow Deer, Dippers, Salmon, Golden Eagles, Woodland Birds, Lichens, Mosses
Habitat: Woodland, Farmland, Coast, River, Moorland, Upland

Knock Detailed Map
Loch na Keal Location Map

Loch na Keal

The beautiful Loch na Keal is part of a designated National Scenic Area. The mountinous Ben More range, with its many peaks and burns, provides a stunning backdrop to the marine environment here.

Species: White Tailed Eagles, Waders, Gulls, Geese, Divers
Habitat: Sea Loch, Rocky Coast, Beaches

Loch na Keal Detailed Map

Wildlife Maps of South Mull

Ardmeanach Location Map


The rugged peninsula of Ardmeanach has some fascinating geology including The Fossil Tree and an area known as The Wilderness.

Species: Eagles, Wild Goats, Butterflies, Moths (including Slender Scotch Burnet)
Habitat: Moorland, Upland, Woodland, Marine, Cliffs

Ardmeanach Detailed Map
Craignure Location Map


Approaching Craignure on the ferry from Oban is a delightful sail, and on a good day, a good number of marine species can be spotted.

Species: Cetaceans, Seabirds (including Black Guillemot, Gannet and Gulls)
Habitat: Open sea on the ferry route and rocky coastline

Craignure Detailed Map
Lochdon Location Map


Lochdon is a sea loch, which, during low tide, has many exposed sand mud flats and marsh areas, making it a haven for birdlife.

Species: Otters, Waders, Swans, White Tailed Eagles
Habitat: Sea Loch, Moorland, Woodland, Estuary

Lochdon Detailed Map
Grasspoint Location Map


This pretty peninsula offers an excellent chance of seeing some of the island's iconic species.

Species: Red Deer, White Tailed Eagles, Hen Harriers, Porpoises
Habitat: Farmland, Moorland, Woodland, Coast, Estuary

Grasspoint Detailed Map
Glen More Location Map

Glen More

With little habitation, this wild, steep sided glen is a stunning, scenic part of the Isle of Mull.

Species: Golden Eagles, Hen Harriers, Merlin, Short-Eared Owls, Mountain Hare
Habitat: Moorland, Upland, Conifer Plantation

Glen More Detailed Map
Loch Scridain Location Map

Loch Scridain

Loch Scridain is a large body of sea water bordered by the Ardmeanach peninsula to the North and the Ross of Mull to the South.

Species: Otters, Seals, Dolphins, Divers, Gannets, Geese, Whooper Swans
Habitat: Sea Loch, Rocky Shores, Beaches

Loch Scridain Detailed Map
Carsaig Location Map


The bay of Carsaig is bound on either side by dramatic, towering coastal cliffs. There are footpaths that lead both west and east along this stunning stretch of coast.

Species: Wild Goats, Seals, Otters, Divers, Kestrels, Porpoises
Habitat: Rocky Shore, Cliffs, Beaches, Woodland, Marine

Carsaig Detailed Map
Ardalanish Location Map


The wide sweeping bay of sand that forms Ardalanish Bay is backed by reedbeds and farmland with open sea views to the South.

Species: Otters, Twite, Eagles, Wildflowers, Basking Shark, Highland Cattle
Habitat: Machair, Beaches, Burns, Reedbed, Farmland, Moorland

Ardalanish Detailed Map
Fidden Location Map


The pink granite outcrops interspersed with white sandy beaches and verdant green farmland and moorland, make this a notable area of the island's coastline.

Species: Mountain Hare, Waders, Hen Harriers, Geese
Habitat: Farmland, Moorland, Coastal

Fidden Detailed Map
Iona Location Map


The small island of Iona shares the beautiful pink granite of the Ross of Mull and has a stunning coastline with some oustanding beaches.

Species: Rook, Corncrake, Eider, Shellduck, Finches, Dolphins, Seals
Habitat: Flower rich grassland and coastal habitats (including Sound of Iona)

Iona Detailed Map